7 Common Reasons For Alcohol Relapse Post Recovery
- Common Reasons For Alcohol Relapse Post Recovery – Did you know that almost 85% of people relapse during their first year of abstinence?
- Did you know 40-60% of people relapse within 30 days of exiting an outpatient drug and alcohol treatment program?
Unfortunately, the recurrence rate for those in recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction is pretty significant.
According to studies, individuals struggling with an alcohol or other drug addiction must recognize the significant danger of relapse, become aware of their own particular triggers, and learn to manage their triggers and emotions in a healthy way.
Individuals might be more equipped and capable of maintaining their recovery if they recognize the prevalent dangers of addiction recurrence.
Since they can’t do it alone, you can always take them to a well-known drug rehab center such as Infinite Recovery to give them the assistance they need.
However, understanding Infinite Recovery procedures is not difficult since the experts will guide you through every step.
Table of Contents
7 Common Reasons For Alcohol Relapse
You may find it frustrating when your loved ones spend months in Alcohol Rehab Las Vegas and relapse within the first few weeks after coming home. However, you must remember that they don’t do it willingly.
Find the most common reasons for alcohol relapse here:
1: To Fight The Withdrawal Symptoms
Many people relapse during the first week of quitting alcohol to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
When people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs cease using their substance of choice, they will suffer varying degrees of withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal symptoms will vary depending on the type of alcohol taken, the quantity consumed, the frequency of use, the length of usage, and other variables.
Nausea, restlessness, heat and cold chills, vomiting, sleeplessness, seizures, and muscular pains are frequent physical withdrawal symptoms.
2: Isolation And Boredom
Boredom and loneliness are frequently cited as the leading causes of relapse in early alcohol recovery.
Individuals who are new to sobriety sometimes find themselves with a lot of free time.
When someone is bored or alone, they are left with their own thoughts and feelings, which may not always want to be heard or felt.
You must not load one’s days with tasks after tasks to help them escape reality, but it is also unhealthy to let them get bored and alone in recovery.
3: Poor Self-Care
Self-care is an essential component of addiction rehabilitation.
Proper self-care will help you feel better about yourself and will communicate to yourself that you are concerned about your well-being.
On the other hand, poor self-care conveys messages to yourself that you don’t care about your well-being and might lead to a relapse.
Weight gain, for example, might make people feel melancholy and inspire notions that their al use would help them reduce the weight they’ve gained.
4: Overconfidence
Individuals who are fresh to recovery may believe that they will never use alcohol or drugs again.
It is a beautiful feeling to be confident in your recovery, but bear in mind that everyone is susceptible to relapse.
It only takes a nanosecond, being in the wrong location at the wrong time.
Do not be so sure of your recovery that you put yourself at risk to prove that you can be sober at a party.
5: Negative Emotions
When you were in an active addiction, you utilized alcohol when you were tired, angry, sad, etc.
Nobody wants to be confronted with unpleasant feelings, yet they are a natural and typical aspect of the human experience.
What is unhealthy is suppressing such feelings or, even worse, using alcohol to mask and push them under the rug.
The more we embrace unpleasant feelings and recognize that they are attempting to teach us something significant, the more we will be able to deal with them.
6: Triggering People/Places/Things
Oh, the people, the places, and the things.
Obviously, we live in a world where it is difficult to escape these things, and when you can’t sleep at night, these triggers bother you even more.
Little triggers, which may not even enter our conscious thought, can cause a relapse.
Glasses clinking, bottles bursting, or cans opening may cause an alcoholic to think about alcohol. Even those who used to be your drinking buddies, and being in those places can also trigger your urge to drink alcohol.
7: Mental Health Disorders
Alcoholism is a severe problem, but there is another issue at its root.
Unaddressed or undiagnosed mental health issues such as anxiety, sadness, mania, personality disorders, or post-traumatic stress disorder are common reasons behind alcoholism.
Unaddressed mental health concerns might lead to an alcohol or drug relapse.
When a person receives appropriate alcohol addiction treatment, therapists, psychiatrists, and other professionals work with the patient to address underlying mental health concerns.
What Should You Do After Relapsing Into Alcohol Addiction?
- When alcoholics relapse, they frequently continue to drink, believing there is no purpose in stopping because they have already messed up. However, continuing to drink will make it much more challenging to quit, so stop drinking right away.
- Nobody can recuperate on their own. Therefore, you must seek the assistance of trusted family members and friends to provide you with the support you require to avoid a future relapse. The 12-step model or AA meetings can help you get the support you need.
- Triggers are stimuli that make you want to drink or take drugs, perhaps leading to relapse. They might range from being around people who misuse alcohol to visiting areas that remind them of drinking. Find out these triggers, and deal with them healthily.
- Try to examine your relapse with the support of a therapist, a professional addiction counselor, or a sponsor. Now, devise a strategy to avoid the risks of relapse in the future. It will include trigger management, coping with stress, being around some people in your support network, etc.
Stay Safe!!!
The longer a person can stay sober, the higher their chances of long-term recovery. Once someone is able to sustain sobriety for a year, their odds of remaining sober increase tremendously.
Therefore, we believe in you, and we know you can overcome these obstacles and commit to your sobriety if you try hard enough.
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