Understanding the Impact of Non-Substance Addictions on Mental Health
Non-substance addiction is no joke. It needs to be taken seriously because the impact of non-substance addictions on mental wellbeing can be grave. Addiction, may it be with substance or not, is always a serious matter. To fully understand just how it can be damaging and life-threatening, read on. We will give you a briefer on addiction, non-substance addiction, and the ways non-substance can affect one’s mental health.
Table of Contents
What is addiction?
Addiction is a brain disorder where the brain circuits involving reward, stress, and self-control are not fully functioning. It is a chronic relapsing disorder that has adverse consequences. It is a neuropsychological disorder.
What is non-substance addiction?
Non-substance addiction is a behavioral addiction where one is unable to stop doing an activity or exhibiting a behavior. Examples of non-substance addiction are addiction to gambling, addiction to pornography, addiction to internet gaming, addiction to shopping, and eating addiction.
What is mental health?
Mental health is a term used to refer to the state of one’s mental being. When one’s mental health is in a good condition, one can effectively do the following:
- Cope with life’s challenges and stressors
- Realize their full potential and abilities
- Learn Effectively
- Work effectively
- Contribute to society
Non-substance addiction can affect one’s mental health through the following:
Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors
A person suffering from non-substance addiction has obsessive thoughts. Such obsessive thoughts are the ones that lead to the doing of a particular behavior. This in turn results in a cycle of preoccupation. Ritualized actions also take place. In the case of someone addicted to gambling, such a person ends up thinking about gambling all the time. So much so that it becomes the sole focus and center of one’s daily life. With someone addicted to gambling, every single action seems to be solely dedicated to being able to gamble.
Having obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior can impact one’s mental health immensely because such can lead to anxiety and stress. Such can in turn affect one’s total mental well-being.
Impaired cognitive function
Excessive doing of a certain activity or behavior ––– may it be sex or internet gaming ––– can impair the brain’s capacity to function. One who is suffering from non-substance addiction will have a hard time concentrating and making good decisions. This is the case because parts of their brain no longer function well.
This in turn can impact one’s mental health heavily because when one cannot concentrate or focus or make sound decisions, one will end up feeling frustrated. Such frustration when not reflected upon can lead to having low self-esteem. Having low self-esteem is a dangerous place to be because it can lead a person to do things that are not sound and healthy. This is because a person with low self-esteem is deluded and convinced that he or she does not deserve a good life. When this is not the case. Due to this, a person with low self-esteem suffers from impaired daily functioning.
Interference with daily functioning
When one is obsessed with a certain behavior or activity, one can end up out of control and irresponsible. They can have chaotic school lives or work lives. They can also have compromised personal hygiene. One who is addicted to addiction can end up not taking a bath on a daily basis or even not sleeping at all.
This is the case because when one is suffering from non-substance addiction, it becomes hard to meet daily obligations. This came to be because the brain no longer functions in its optimal state. Such failure to meet obligations can lead to an overwhelming sense of failure and intense stress. Existing mental health issues can also be exacerbated.
Strained relationships
People suffering from non-substance addiction end up having strained relationships. This happens because non-substance addiction like gaming or gambling can take much of a person’s time and attention. This in turn leads to neglect of personal relationships. Some who are already aware that they may be suffering from non-substance addiction intentionally isolate themselves so that they may not be noticed and called out.
This kind of isolation can lead a person to feel lonely and alienated. This can spiral into depression as the sense of disconnection can sometimes be too overwhelming. It is a very tricky situation that needs to be addressed immediately as the brain is already tricked that the answer to its current problem is engaging in an addictive behavior that is actually making matters worse.
Financial Consequences
People suffering from non-substance addiction can suffer financially. This is not unique to those addicted to shopping, gambling, or gaming. This is the case for everyone suffering from non-substance addiction. A person who can no longer control his actions and who consistently fails to function well daily ends up losing financially. One who is at school ends up wasting money spent for their education while one at work can end up losing their job. Individuals can also end up being deep in debt. All such can easily lead to anxiety and depression when not addressed immediately.
Help is available
If you or anyone you know is suffering from non-substance addiction, please know that help is available. You can easily turn your life around now. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Non-substance Addiction
Mental Health